YOGA For Cure Constipation

Yoga is an ancient workout regime to cure as well as combat many health issues. There are many people who practice yoga on a regular basis to lose weight, stay fit, increase body's flexibility or relax mind and soul. Yoga is popular worldwide because it has many health benefits like; it releases stress, fights mood swings, lowers blood pressure, increases body flexibility, body balance, stamina and energy.

There are many yoga exercises that are intended for specific purposes. These yoga asanas or poses are very effective in curing health problems like obesity, heart conditions, diabetes or digestion problems.

Yoga is also known for curing digestive and other stomach problems. Specific yoga asanas or poses can help get relief from stomach cramps, indigestion, constipation and bloating. Constipation is a very common stomach condition where the passage of stool becomes really difficult.

Yoga asanas especially twists, forward folds, and inversions are very effective to cure constipation. You can try these and many more yoga poses at home to combat constipation and other stomach problems. These asanas can be done at your comfort level at home at any time of the day. Just make sure, you have an empty stomach. Filled stomach makes you lazy and practicing yoga also becomes difficult.
Here are 10 best yoga poses that can help you get relief from constipation naturally. Try them at home to have a healthy digestive system.


YOGA For Cure Constipation

In English

Yoga Help for Conditions : Yoga Poses That Cure Constipation by Carol Ann (In English) 


 In Hindi

Yoga for Constipation & Piles(Kabz Aur Bavasir) by Baba Ramdev
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  1. Nice videos and tips...!!!

    Thanks for sharing..!!!

    You can find further detail about constipation visit kilter care.

  2. That is really nice to hear. thank you for the update and good luck.
    best yoga poses for weight loss

